Dear Laughter friends,
Today is World Laughter Day and a very auspicious day for the whole planet. Our mission is to bring good Health, Joy and World Peace through laughter. Thousands of people are gathering around the world to show solidarity and commitment towards this goal.
We are more prosperous today than 50 years ago. We are also 10 times more stressed, sad, lonely and depressed. Depression is the number one sickness, while stress continues to be a major cause of 70 to 80% of all illness. There is a sharp rise in the incidence of cancer and heart diseases. According to medical research, the root cause of most of our sickness is lack of oxygen in our body cells.
Laughter Yoga is an effective routine that brings complete physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing by instantly reducing stress, bringing more oxygen, strengthening the immune system, fighting depression and creating a network of caring and sharing society.
愛笑瑜珈是一種有效的方法,可以帶來生理上、心理上、社交上和心靈上的富足。因為愛笑瑜珈可以快速地抒解壓力,吸入更多氧氣,加強免疫能力,抵抗憂鬱和 建立關懷和分享的社會網絡。
World Peace Through Laughter
Laughter is a universal language that brings together people from all over the world. The way laughter clubs are spreading leaves me with no doubt that laughter is a common link between all nations.
Laughter is a positive energy. It creates a positive mental attitude and brings openness, generosity and willingness to help others. It shows us that people need to be loved and cherished - One needs to make peace not war.
On this auspicious day, I appeal to all to spread out your arms and laugh unconditionally for a minute sending vibrations of peace, love and freedom into the Universe.
Laugh and Laughter
Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha
Dr. Madan Kataria 卡塔利亞醫師 敬上
The Founder of Laughter Yoga Clubs Movement 世界愛笑俱樂部運動發起人