觀照 觀照 再觀照
唯一必須學習的事就是觀照. 觀照! 觀照你所做的每一項行為, 觀照每一個經過你頭腦的思想, 觀照每一個佔有你的慾望,甚至觀照小小的動作-走路,談話,吃東西,和洗澡等,繼續觀照每一件事,讓每一件事都成為觀照的機會.
記住一件事:當你想起說你忘記觀照,不要懊悔,否則你又在浪費時間,不要覺得難過說:"我又再度錯過了." 不要覺得:"我是一個罪人."不要譴責你自己,因為這是純粹在浪費時間.永遠不要懊悔過去!要活在當下這個片刻.如果你忘記了,那又怎樣? 那是很自然的,它已經變成了一個習慣,而習慣是很難改掉的,而且這些習慣並不是在一世當中所形成的,這些習慣是在千千萬萬世裡面所形成的,所以如果你能夠保持觀照,即使只有幾個片刻,你也要覺得感謝神,要帶著感謝的心情,即使只有這幾個片刻也已經比你所期望的來得更多了!
選自: 奧修出版社
佛陀法句經 第一卷第五章,
謙達那 譯
The only thing that has to be learned is watchfulness. Watch! Watch every act that you do. Watch every thought that passes in your mind. Watch every desire that takes possession of you. Watch even small gestures -- walking, talking, eating, taking a bath. Go on watching everything. Let everything become an opportunity to watch.
Don't eat mechanically, don't just go on stuffing yourself -- be very watchful. Chew well and watchfully...and you will be surprised how much you have been missing up to now, because each bite will give you tremendous satisfaction; if you eat watchfully, it will become more tasteful. Even ordinary food tastes if you are watchful; and if you are not watchful, you can eat the most tasteful food but there will be no taste in it, because there is nobody to watch. You simply go on stuffing yourself.
Eat slowly, watchfully; each bite has to be chewed, tasted. Smell, touch, feel the breeze and the sunrays. Look at the moon and become just a silent pool of watchfulness, and the moon will be reflected in you with tremendous beauty. Move in life remaining continuously watchful.
Again and again you will forget. Don't become miserable because of that; it is natural. For millions of lives you have never tried watchfulness, so it is simple, natural, that you go on forgetting again and again. But the moment you remember, again watch.
Remember one thing: when you remember that you have forgotten watching, don't become repentful, don't repent; otherwise, again you are wasting time. Don't feel miserable: "I missed again." Don't start feeling, "I am a sinner." Don't start condemning yourself, because this is a sheer waste of time. Never repent for the past! Live in the moment. If you had forgotten, so what? It was natural -- it has become a habit, and habits die hard. And these are not habits imbibed in one life; these are habits imbibed in millions of lives. So if you can remain watchful even for a few moments, feel thankful to God -- feel thankful. Even those few moments are more than expected.
And when you watch, a clarity arises. Why does clarity arise out of watchfulness? Because the more watchful you become, the more all your hastiness slows down. You become more graceful. As you watch, your chattering mind chatters less, because the energy that was becoming chattering is turning and becoming watchfulness -- it is the same energy! Now more and more energy will be transformed into watchfulness and the mind will not get its nourishment. Thoughts will start becoming thinner, they will start losing weight. Slowly slowly, they will start dying. And as thoughts start dying, clarity arises. Now your mind becomes a mirror.
HOW HAPPY HE IS! And when one is clear, one is blissful. It is confusion that is the root cause of misery; it is clarity that is the foundation of blissfulness.
And now he knows there is no death, because wakefulness can never be destroyed. When death comes, you will watch it too. You will die watching; watching will not die. Your body will disappear, dust unto dust, but your watchfulness will remain; it will become part of the cosmic whole. It will become cosmic consciousness.
The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 1
Chapter #5
Chapter title: Wakefulness is life