
10 in "Oneness"



回憶過去我的愛笑運動史,當我產生「初發心」的美麗動人的一剎那是最純真無華的,沒有特殊的目的和期待---甚至連想要獲得什麼治療效果都沒有期待,有的就是對於Discovery影片上那個Dr.Kataria「燦爛的笑」產生的「赤子之心」般的感動。接下來我做了許多學習和練習,雖然有些朋友後來就感到「厭煩、無聊」而離開了,但是我勇敢地又傻傻地繼續向前行,捨米攏不驚,很高興的,我似乎發現了愛笑瑜珈絕對不只是像「肖仔」搞些無厘頭的動作而已,裡面似乎還有某些奧妙的東西,而且深不可見底,但是在我的追尋過程中,我曾經因為外界給我的名或利而忘記自己的當初最原始的初發心。一旦缺少這個部分,我可能很容易會迷失方向而走火入魔。很高興,我在這次的靜修過程,透過靜默與愛笑得到莫大的能量可以向內反省自己的優點和弱點,透過不斷反思卡塔 利亞 醫師給我們的很尋常無奇的問題,我都都得到不錯的答案=好問題一定會得到好答案。



I have heard about the criminal policeman that the first confession they get from the suspect is always more believable than what they get later. I think it’s may be also true for our people seeking truth in spirit. Do we still remember the our first moment when we were touched and moved with the laughter yoga, for Dr.Kataria it’s not even when it be transformed into YOGA staff,.and what were we touched with it? After I become more famous and acknowledged with GREAT CONTRIBUTION to the public health or something I almost lost the “first touch” and become more egocentric with any awareness.  Fortunately in this Retreat we got great energy from silence and laughter to look inside onto our minds to check our weakness and strength by answering those good questions from Dr.Kataria. When recalled our laughing memories about laughter yoga and we look inward we can actually be easy to recall the very first contact of the encounter whether it’s on TV program or Radio show or report on newspapers. We must be really moved at that moment otherwise we would not keep making further contacts with Dr.Kataria through emails, books, his videos , or his website. After we practiced the LY exercises for some time we someone got tired about it but some like us are KEEP WALKING further because we found something about great spiritual profound inside. It’s something endless we can explore.

In that great journey we should not foget the very first moment we got touched.

贈送一件台灣愛笑T恤給Michelle (就是她告訴我「石門水庫忘記關」),祝福她身體早日康復。

I was happy to give Michell a Taiwanese Laughter Yoga T-shirt as a gift .Hope she can get the energy from all of our club members to recovery her health as soon as possible.

在壁爐前進行「原諒儀式」forgivness ceremony in front of fireplace



We finally could ate together and had nice chat with each other after the silence rule broken.

靜修中心是屬於Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University的澳洲墨爾本靜修中心,該機構總部設在印度,是一位印度非常富有的商人Brahma Baba在退休前的一次靈修冥想中,頓悟到自己生命的使命,因而變賣所有家產,設立免費教人冥想靜心的學校(1936),數十年後,這樣的靜修中心已經遍佈全球五大洲。這個中心一位講師(照片中白髮印度人)被我們笑聲吸引而臨時加入,也因為他的加入讓我們更了解這個中心的歷史和使命,而這個部分給Dr.Kataria很多啟發,因為他也即將在印度的科技矽谷邦加羅Bangalore設立愛笑瑜珈大學International Laughter Yoga University



課程結束後,在澳洲的愛笑瑜珈協會會長的Merv Neal(右一)家

I got  a very warm care from Merv Neal and his wife at their home after the Retreat.


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