台灣版笑歌肖歌,近日推出,敬請期待(Taiwanese gibberish song Coming Soon)
"All you need is laugh" love and to live today.
活在此刻,愛在此時,笑在當下If you do the RIGHT things NOW you will be LEFT with good memories and most likely wake up to better tomorrow which will soon become NOW. Make the moment as happy as you can despite the fact that life can be harsh and bad at times. You have a say and can change your destiny by doing the positive things despite the hardship of life. May this song bring a smile to your face and start a better day for you.任何人都可以唱「亂語的笑歌」。「笑」和「亂語」是拉近人們距離最快的方法。這種「國際語言」可以超越種族、宗教、國界、膚色和貧富。歡迎帶著您的慈悲心加入我們,我們的好朋友。Everybody can sing in Gibberish and laugh. Laughter and Gibberish are the shortest distance between people. Universal language that bridges over race, religions, nationalities, colors and economic status. If you have kindness in your heart , join us , you are already our friend. 記住:我們只能「花用」時間卻無法「賺取」時間,所以讓我們把時間花用在樂觀正向的事情吧!笑出來!你和你周遭馬上可以變得更快樂。
Remember: Time is the only thing in life that you cannot earn but spend -- so spend it positively. Have a laugh and you and your surrounding will certainly feel better.Many thanks to Lenny Ravich www.lennyravich.com , Nati Ravich (guitar and tambourine), Alex Sternick www.laughter.co.il , Enzo Agada www.enzoagada.com , the Bau sisters www.josephbau.com, Shiri Ben Shitrit-Layish & Shifra ErvasAvi Liran www.ha-p.com & www.laughteryoga.org/teacherlist.php?fie ld=showAddress&profileId=1240
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